Monday, April 27, 2009

Monday, April 13, 2009

Basketball and Battle of the Books

This post is to illustrate the very different competitive interests of my two oldest children this past winter. Despite having the same two parents, none of my children look alike and their personalities and interests are quite different too.

First, here's Seth in his basketball glory. Well, since his team only won one or two games, maybe the word "glory" isn't the best choice . . .

Seth dribbling down the court.

Seth always "gave it his all" during games and here he is pooped after a game.

Here he is receiving his award from the coach, who called him the best defender and "by far the most aggressive player on the team." (Is that a good thing?)

Soccer season, here we come!

Eli got to participate in a district-wide competition known as Battle of the Books. The students were given a list of 10 books to read and then they took a test on the details of the books. The top 5 or 6 students in the fifth grade were chosen to represent his school at the district level. Eli, of course, with his love for reading and his mind for details, made the school team. There were 10 teams and each team battled the other nine teams.

The team was given a question, like "in which book did such and such happen?" and they had a few seconds to huddle together and confer with each other. Then the team captain gave the answer, including the title and author of the book. If they got it wrong, the other team had a chance to steal it.

Eli's team was the only boy team. Overall, the competition was very heavy on the girls.

I had no idea how fierce the competition would be. But Eli had a complete blast! It was fun to see how his team really depended on him. His team won an honorable mention (meaning their score was somewhere in the bottom half :) ).

And now moving on to the study of cryptozoology. Yes, I know what that means now, do you?