Thursday, September 17, 2009


Kai had his one month check-up last week (on his 5 week birthday.) In other words, another excuse to post cute pictures of my rapidly changing child.

Here is the report:
Weight: 12 pounds (97th percentile)
Length: 23 inches (90th percentile)
Head: 38 3/4 centimeters (50th percentile)

I don't get to have little babies for very long.

And he sits up!

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Seven Milestones

1. We have smileage from Malakai! Also, acne and cradle cap and an oily head.

2. Micah is riding sans training wheels.

In an effort to make me a bit crazy, he's already acting like Mr. Stuntman Daredevil.

3. Seth had his first car accident, involving an out-of-control wheelie and the van in the driveway.

4. Eli baked and decorated his first birthday cake, which he described as his greatest cooking accomplishment yet. I don't know; I thought the Mother's Day pull-aparts were pretty good. (I just noticed the stray hand picking at the front of the cake.)

5. Greg turned 38!

I included a second picture, because it's so cute.

6. This thing weaseled its way into my house, despite the fact that I clearly forbade indoor pets. I'm not sure how it happened, but it had something to do with the eldest animal-loving son, multiple attempts to trap a stray kitten in the barn, two big dogs outside that like to chase and eat small animals, etc.

The Farmer and I had a discussion as he was petting the kitten on our bed. I told him that I like to look at animals in a zoo or read about them in a book; I just don't like to touch them or have them touching my bed. He replied that he didn't understand how someone wouldn't want to pet and hold their animals. Apparently, I wasn't born with the animal-loving gene like everyone else in the family.

7. I slept for 6 hours straight!!!

Thanks baby.