Eli (in reference to Seth and his friends): They're so immature.
Me: They're nine.
Around the dinner table tonight, I teased Seth that he is a walking oxymoron:
1. He's a tough cool guy, yet emotional and sensitive and good with babies.
2. He's a speed demon on the field, yet a dawdler getting ready.
3. He's responsible--gets up and gets ready to his alarm and keeps track of his own homework, etc., yet absentmindedly misplaces things, like a certain one of his parents (not me).
Around the dinner table tonight, Greg teased Seth that he was starting to look like the prince on Shrek, tossing his beautiful long blond hair around in the wind.
Around the dinner table tonight, we all said what we like/love about Seth. Micah likes that Seth is his friend and is funny. Eli likes that Seth doesn't complain too much when he punches him. I love that Seth still likes to cuddle with me and dance with me. Greg likes how Seth dreams big: future big inventions, future FIFA world cup soccer player, etc. Kai likes to give him kisses.
Here are a few images from the "he's nine" phase, including the various hairdos.
Now I'll be moving on to "he's ten." If I'm remembering correctly from my mother, that one works too.