Thursday, January 6, 2011

Nauvoo and the Talented Elder and Sister C.

We had the good fortune of visiting AlTam in Nauvoo last week. It was a privilege to see them at work in their various missionary responsibilities. We had a great time visiting the sites and learning some church history as well--we heard many inspiring true stories about the early days of Nauvoo and we came away with respect and appreciation for what those early saints endured and accomplished. We definitely want to go back for a longer stay.

A few pictures from our visit: (Unfortunately, thanks to a mischievous toddler, our camera was acting up during "Rendevous in Nauvoo." I was really hoping to capture some images of AlTam singing and acting!)

1 comment:

bryceandjamie said...

I'm so glad you all got to go to Nauvoo! What a great experience! It's fun to see pics of your kids...they are getting big and are so cute! Tell them hi for us. Hopefully we can plan a family party in Nauvoo later this year with everyone. We miss you guys.