Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Quarter of a Year

I'm three months old now. These pictures were actually taken a day after my three-month birthday, since my mom forgot to take my picture on the actual day.

My mom likes me because I let her snuggle me and I sleep through the night quite a bit.

I'm very smiley, especially in the morning, and I even laugh occasionally.

Everyone comments on what a chunker I am.

I find my fist quite fascinating. I'm really not cross-eyed.

I like a good bath.

And a good milk coma. I hope to have a neck some day.

Notice my post-bath fuzzy hair.


bryceandjamie said...

Wow! I can't believe how much he's changed! I can't wait to meet him. So cute!

Brady and Melody said...

Very enlightening and cute. Melody wants to snuggle that little chunker so you had better get out here soon.

Katie said...

I can't believe I haven't met him! We REALLY need to come visit! Miss you guys.

Anonymous said...

Could he be any cuter?!!